Monday, 19 March 2018


The ground upon which we breathe
Is home with a twist of the eternal
The dangling disk of gold smiles its approval
We speak a language only wisdom knows

Bare feet on marble and velvet earth
Robed in tapestries of ancient love
Painted in orchestrated colours and hues
We are ridiculously fashionable at will

We are always the consumate influencers
Now and always, the world does nothing until we do
We tried to kneel down and become small
But the ancestors reminded us that we are king

Famed for the awesome magnitude of ours
Inside our one soul beats Spirit's voiced sound
Called to move like the powerhouses we are
Proudly we make ourselves known with our regal nature

© zari alexxanderr-caine 2018

Photo Credit: Tumblr

1 comment:

  1. Even in our kneeling, the manner in which it is done is often characterized by the lighter melanin of humanity. You see it’s all in the regal movement and naturally, inherited, orchestrate movements and jesters that decry our brilliance. We are never copying, but always defining....even when we are acting out in ignorance.
