Thursday, 12 April 2018

We Owe Nothing Part 1

We live in a world that we have created on perceived fault lines which we are convinced demands our obligation and forced salutation. We strive to repay what we have deemed to be owed.

What this is for we don't know but being the storytelling creators we are, we devised a plan, a play and an ancient story on which to build a system of reward and retribution which is as draconian as we could conjure. We then told each other that this is truth, when in fact it is a bunch of make believe claptrap.

We have agreed that we are debtors of the highest degree. This, we have done by the sheer force of our nature to boast upon ourselves the misshapen mantle of incessant owing. To solidify this myth, we created a God that embodied all the insecurities that we have and attribute to this benevolent being the powers of eternal punishment, psuedo-love, anger, and all the human proclivities to the highest extremes. We subsequently decided to worship this deity with fear and trembling.

We convinced ourselves that illusions are real and made them all up in order to maintain a hold on each other in the shapes of religion, politics and economics. We wrote self-styled holy books to keep the so-called faith and we use the same instruments as weapons to cajole, intimidate and twist each other up. Societies from time immemorial have been built on these fault lines with mild variations.

©zari alexxanderr-caine 2018

 Image Credit: Pinterest, words mine

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